2024 ElectionPolitics & Government

Not my president’s day protest draws 300+

A sunny day brought more than 300 protesters out. This is “just my photos” of “not my president’s day”. One person was putting a Trump doll under car tires. Some ran it over. A few swerved. Some had no idea what was going on and were unnerved by something in the road. Some danced. Many talked and caught up with old friends. The day was summer-like. Honking was near constant, although most cars didn’t honk. A big truck blared its big air horn at some point. There was no sign of a counter-protest this time. Protest is an American tradition going back to the Boston Massacre, Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams. While the English disliked it largely, it was also inherited from the French who helped America gain its freedom. Its usually been humans, but not today. .Dogs were for whatever was going on, although their politics could not be verified.

This dog may have been very serious about politics, or may have been eyeing Brutus.

You have to spell it out sometimes!

The Trump doll seems to defy his tormenters. The doll brought some frowns as well as laughs, cheers and boos.
This guy dodged the doll at the last minute. I would never run over ANYTHING like that in the road. Im sure the doll owners could have gotten a ticket for his
A pickup runs over the doll, but like his master, the doll keep coming back. Was this appropriate? Funny?
This driver got cheers for running over the Donald Trump doll. Not sure if they could even see it.

Frank Hartzell

Frank Hartzell is a freelancer reporter and an occasional correspondent for The Mendocino Voice. He has published more than 10,000 news articles since his first job in Houston in 1986. He is the recipient of numerous awards for many years as a reporter, editor and publisher mostly and has worked at newspapers including the Appeal-Democrat, Sacramento Bee, Newark Ohio Advocate and as managing editor of the Napa Valley Register.

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