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Frankly Speaking- ‘deep thoughts’ and fun stuff to do, too.

Come enjoy a hometown stroll with Brutus and I and sometimes Linda on the north end of Fort Bragg. First responders have been touched and sometimes traumatized by suicide attempts and successful suicides. Since the heartbreaking death of a teenager in December, the Fort Bragg t, led by Cpt. Thomas O’Neal and Chief Neil Cervenka, have pushed hard for action from Caltrans, which has responded with surprising speed. 

Here are the first tangible signs of the effort by the police to make the bridge safer. 

The 25-inch-tall and 12-inch-wide rectangles are found on either end of the bridge, easy to miss but right where walkers enter the bridge. The phone number connects to Redwood Community Service’s crisis line. I dialed it and it works, despite the 855 area code prefix. 

Cameras with an AI that can detect a suicidal person on the way to the bridge are in the works.

Two men and a dog pass the new blue sign designed to help those thinking of suicide

Humans can also tell when someone is suicidal, also by their language. I once heard a speech by CHP Sergeant Kevin Briggs (also known as the Guardian of the Golden Gate Bridge) who dissuaded more than two hundred people from jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco Bay. Briggs came with people he had talked off the bridge, who had gone on to productive lives. 

Stay tuned for more about the fencing, the cameras and suicide prevention. I am a believer that it can and does work. I had a blast in the new Lions Club escape room. Myself and a group of Lions failed the test by seconds but solved a dozen clues and it was very fun doing it. I warn you it’s challenging but young and old can both have fun in the escape room, Cindy and company have done it up right. Come out Friday and take a look. Call for info or reservations!

The rest of the photo cruise is fun stuff happening in Fort Bragg and some images around town you might enjoy. I got some of Rebecca Reynolds’ new art for First Friday at the last moment. I am not an art expert but love it. I can never get enough of Edgewater  Gallery, especially the winsome creatures of Alexis Moyer, the dimension crossing critters of Karin Denson. In several new works. Rebecca Reynolds once again peeks into the soul of the ocean. A casual observer will miss most of the action behind the seaweed curtain. Reynolds shows how a place where everything is alive and eating each other, dances, becoming more exotic the longer one looks.

Rebecca Reynolds art. There will be more new paintings to be seen live on First Friday!
Don’t miss this! History forum by the Native Daughters of the Golden West at Town Hall Saturday.

We are seen at every coffee place in town. This is Brutus’ favorite as they give him dog bones and sometimes a pup cup. I like Cookie Company a lot, Headlands and Rollin’ Dough. I like local, better coffee! Although not all the gas station coffee, some is better than that chain in the old Taco Bell building.
How does one guy ride two bikes? And why?
This dog was not interested in news or photos. Only Brutus.

The rest of the photo cruise is fun stuff happening in Fort Bragg and some images around town you might enjoy.

One of the biggest engineering challenges in Mendocino County history is the fix Caltrans has been doing of State Route 1 between Fort Bragg and Westport. The cost and scale equal any major bridge project and likely more. In the old days, we would have reported on it in depth and I would have sold stories to engineering publications around the world, as I did to the even more incredible slide at Confusion Hill. But today, these stories get no hits.
This cool tree marker confuses many. The FORT was established in 1857 but was closed in 1867. In Fort Bragg was incorporated as a city in 1889. Right away some people thought this was a bad idea. According to legend, unconfirmed at this point, Charles Johnson, who was Mr Fort Bragg in every way, rejected “Johnsonville” as the name. Apparently the name was created on short notice. There have been many efforts to change it over the decades but Fort Braggers are resolute!
Brutus and I walked down the Haul Road and Linda drove around. Then Brutus saw Linda and broke away and ran!
Fort Bragg used to be crowded only during tourist season. No longer true
The king of Fort Bragg rock and roll wil be playing fee on KNYO on First Friday coming up
Somebody told the tourists how good David’s Deli is! Big line the other day. Still a prize to the person who can tell me who David was. We call it Kira’s.

Frank Hartzell

Frank Hartzell is a freelancer reporter and an occasional correspondent for The Mendocino Voice. He has published more than 10,000 news articles since his first job in Houston in 1986. He is the recipient of numerous awards for many years as a reporter, editor and publisher mostly and has worked at newspapers including the Appeal-Democrat, Sacramento Bee, Newark Ohio Advocate and as managing editor of the Napa Valley Register.

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